2 Bedrooms Plus Study Four Seasons One Dalton Signature Residence kitchen with island and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Back Bay, Boston. =Attributes= cameraAperture (float): 36.000000 cameraFarClip (float): 0.000000 cameraFarRange (float): 1000000.000000 cameraFov (float): 93.525108 cameraNearClip (float): 0.000000 cameraNearRange (float): 0.000000 cameraProjection (int): 0 cameraTargetDistance (float): 5002.900391 cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.592098, 0.000527084, 0.80587, 1042.07}, {0.805867, -0.000387438, -0.592097, -2485.03}, {0.00129591, 1, 0.00187433, 1208.27}, {0, 0, 0, 1}] channels (chlist) compression (compression): Zip16 dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 4499, 2999] displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 4499, 2999] gamma (float): 1.000000 lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y pixelAspectRatio (float): 1.000000 screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0.000000, 0.000000] screenWindowWidth (float): 1.000000 tiles (tiledesc): [64, 64] =Channels= A (half) B (half) CESSENTIAL_Reflect.A (half) CESSENTIAL_Reflect.B (half) CESSENTIAL_Reflect.G (half) CESSENTIAL_Reflect.R (half) CMasking_ID.A (half) CMasking_ID.B (half) CMasking_ID.G (half) CMasking_ID.R (half) CMasking_WireColor.A (half) CMasking_WireColor.B (half) CMasking_WireColor.G (half) CMasking_WireColor.R (half) G (half) R (half)